Life is a perpetual journey. For some, it's something to be seized, to be immersed in, to be lived. For some it is a perilous obstacle course, riddled with hazards, disappointments and dreams unrealized.
Why is it that some are so driven, so motivated, locomotive? While others are spectators, uninspired and untapped? It comes down to confidence, which is not really as difficult to attain as most would believe. Granted there are the daredevils who from the womb see life as a mission to be conquered, as a ride to be taken. It is not so much that they are born confident but more so that they lack or reject fear. Wait, what?!
Let's break this down. What really is confidence? In its purest sense, it is faith or belief in a desired outcome. Have you seen a toddler who has learned the very gratifying, satisfying gleeful freedom of WALKING?! Fueled with curiosity and intrigue, these fireballs will let nothing stop them from exploring. Climbing up counter tops and into cabinets for cookies; building towers; escaping cribs, play pins and parents. NOTHING STOPS THEM! They have no concept of the danger they put themselves in. No fear of the consequences of being caught and contained. The only reality is the achieving of the goal.
These young minds are set on their prize. They may fall, they may stumble but only to regroup and start again. Not because they have trained to be certified adventurers, but because they believe they can reach their goal.
When do we lose that tenacity? When fear is introduced. When we are told, "Slow down, you'll hurt yourself." "You can't!" "It's too hard." "Be more realistic." "You'll fail."
Maybe we will fail, many times. But if we believe we can, eventually we will! But maybe that is just the problem. Are we afraid to believe we can? Knowing the work, knowing the journey, knowing the doubt of others or ourselves, is that the real challenge? If that is so, then we have defeated ourselves.
Why not focus on the cookie? Why not envision the destination, why not stand on top?!
Here's the point.... It's not about what you CAN do. It's about what we BELIEVE WE CAN DO! It just takes one success to eliminate impossibility. Don't focus on fears of failure. Don't settle for validation of your ambition. See past the bruises and the bumps. See beyond the downs and the "almosts". See straight to the goal. See yourself as you could be.
If you believe you can, confidence will carry you through any challenge to anything you imagine. You can be confident of that!
