Remember when you were a kid and people would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up. We would come up with all kinds of answers... Fireman, Police Officer, Doctor, Lawyer... President! How many of us really achieved that goal? What stopped us? For many, it is because, dreams are not to be followed, they are to be enjoyed. Who says we can't follow our dreams? Why can't we be what we imagined? Because it requires work? You work now. Long hours, week in and week out. Because it takes education? We learn everyday, or at least we should. Isn't it true that for many, we do not reach for our dreams because other people tell us to be reasonable, to set more realistic, concrete expectations? But I ask you, are there doctors? Are there lawyers? Is there a president?! ..... Well why can't you or I be any of those things. The answer is we can! We just have to believe in ourselves and create the path to do so and stay on it.
But what are your dreams now? What would make you glow if you could make it reality? How far from truth is it? Why is that? How did you get to where you are now? Was it by choice(s) or did it just casually happen, one typical event after another?
Compare your career with that in which you envisioned for yourself. Its time to evaluate. "Would the 7 year old me be please with my reality?" If not than, neither should the present you! The one reading this post. Take out a sheet of paper right now and write down how you feel about your current career. "My job, my position, my title, my salary, my right now".... "makes me feel _____________ because ___________".
It's not too late. Now, on that same sheet of paper, write down, " I would feel much better if I was ____________."
What would that change in your profession allow you to do? What could you do for your family and friends. Remember, it's a dream if we only enjoy thinking about it. It becomes a goal when we plan to experience it. It's your choice.
Where are you now?